Board of Education
About Your Board of Education
As elected representatives of the Citizens of the Bernie R-XIII School district, the seven-member Board of Education serves as the governing body for the community's public school system. The school board sets district policies, selects the superintendent of schools, adopts the annual budget, and determines the tax rate. The annual school board election is held in April. Board members serve three year overlapping terms with two or three members elected each year. School board members, who receive no salary, are committed and concerned citizens who devote countless hours working on behalf of children and the educational interest of Bernie R-XIII residents.
Meetings and Agendas
The Board of Education generally meets the second Monday of each month in the Central Office Board Room at 7:00 p.m. The community is welcome and encouraged to attend. Regular meetings and board workshops are open to the public. Executive session meetings, which are closed to the public in accordance with Missouri Sunshine Law, are scheduled as required and held only for certain student, personnel, property and legal matters. Agendas for the monthly meetings are prepared on the Wednesday before each Monday meeting by the superintendent of schools in consultation with the Board President. The official minutes of the Board of Education Meeting are available for public review in the superintendent's office.
Addressing the Board
District residents are welcome to share their views with the Board of Education and must submit a written request one week prior to the meeting date to the superintendent, the president or the secretary of the board outlining their business with the Board. Speakers are asked to limit their comments to three minutes. Residents may also express their views by writing to Board President, Bernie R-XIII School District, 516 West Main, Bernie MO 63822. Copies of the material submitted will be provided to all Board members for consideration.
Board Members
Mr. Gary Eaton, President
Mr. Denny Riddle, Vice President
Mr. Rick Beaird, Member
Mr. Chris Freed, Member
Mr. Kristopher Powell, Member
Mr. Jason Shelton, Member
Mr. Richard Owens, Member
Hall of Fame
The Board of Education seeks nomination from individuals or organizations for induction into the Bernie R-XIII School District Hall of Fame. The district will advertise for nominations during December of each year. All nominations must be submitted in written form and be signed by the nominator or representative of nomination organization. Nominations may be submitted in person or mailed to the Superintendent’s Office, Bernie R-XIII School District, 516 West Main, Bernie MO 63822. The nominee must meet the following criteria:
Be a graduate, former employee or community supporter of the district. The person must be separated from the school for at least five years.
The person must have contributed to the welfare of humanity to an unusual degree, brought unusually positive attention to the Bernie R-XIII School District, or former employees who modeled the highest personal and professional qualities for students.
Inductees will be honored and formally inducted into the Hall of Fame each spring in conjunction with the Board of Education’s Honors Banquet.
The Board of Education shall, in executive session each January, review the nominees and vote on the election of one nominee. Nominees must receive five votes for election to the Bernie R-XIII School District Hall of Fame.
1996 Neal Botsch
1997 Gary Tippen
1998 Phil Dawson
1999 Marion L (Rusty) Johnson
2000 Wendell Turner
2001 Don and Shirley Lee
2002 Glen Crow & Carnell Brittain
2003 Reba Sides
2004 Byron (Gabe) and Elsie Pointer & Joann Gregg
2007 Joyce Overby
2008 Florene Lee & Michael Keathley
2009 Morris "Horsie" James & R.B. Woods
2010 Yvonne Keathley, Carmen Love, Theresa Newton, & Angie Stuever
2011 Diane Overby Sides
2013 Bill Zoll
2015 Helen York
2016 Doris Turner
2018 Shane and Shawn Green
2019 Barb Trout
2020 Becky Freed
2021 Morris Karnes